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Turning ideas into assets

Trademark Scan

- Get insight into whether there are trademarks that may prevent you from exporting

Stay ahead of other trademarks. They may be a barrier to the marketing of your product or service. The Trademark Scan gives you a general idea of such other trademarks. This will save you hassle and money as you may avoid trademark conflicts with your competitors.

Why choose a trademark scan?

With a scan, you can assess your possibilities introducing a trademark into the market. You may also use the results of the scan as an inspiration for further development of your brand or trademark.

Benefits of a trademark scan

  • You get an overall idea of ​​whether there are existing trademarks that are identical or similar to your trademark in your business sector, and in all identical marks outside your business sector
  • At an early stage you can abandon your trademark if the mark is similar to already existing trademarks
  • If you are choosing between several possible trademarks for the marketing of your product/your services, the Trademark Scan can provide you with a quick input for your evaluation of the potential of the trademarks. And you can easier choose which trademarks to examine further
  • You will receive an answer after 10 days

What is a trademark scan?

We examine the words and/or numbers in your trademark. In one scan, we examine first whether there are identical trademarks registered. Then we search for different combinations of letters that are similar to your trademark. You choose the countries in which we examine the trademark and we search the relevant databases. We present the result of the Trademark Scan in a report along with transcripts of all the identical brands. You also get a list of the other marks found. This list includes both trademarks similar to yours, and trademarks that do not look like your trademark. At the same time, we describe how we have carried out the search. You must evaluate and decide whether the trademarks we have found form a barrier to the way you use your trademark. Enclose in the report is guidelines for the assessment of the search result.

Please be aware that a trademark scan only gives you a partial view of existing trademarks. The result is limited by the character strings that we search. Therefor some trademarks may not be found. For example, a mark that is only aurally similar to your trademark will not be found as it does not have the character strings that we search. Be also aware that the search does not include trademarks that are in use without being registered, although they can be a hindrance to your trademark.

Countries Packages

You have the option to select the following six countries packages:

  • North America
  • South America
  • Central America and the Caribbean
  • Europe
  • Africa
  • Asia and the Middle East

The packages include the countries that are available through databases, and the packages cover three product and service classes.

Price and delivery

The Trademark scan can usually be delivered within 10 working. The price of the scan depends on how many countries and how many product and service categories are to be covered by the search. You can also select one or more of our six countries packets. We can search countries without database access or extra product and service classes at an additional price. Please contact us for an estimate. 

You can find our current hourly rate in our indicative price lists for our search services in USD and EUR. 

Read our terms of service.


If you need further information, have any questions or want to place an order, please contact our Customer Service Centre on telephone + 45 4350 8301, send an email to or fill out the contact form.


The Danish Patent and Trademark Office help businesses turn their ideas into assets. We find and screen technical information. We do not provide assessments or make recommendations in this process. We supply targeted information and guidance. We examine, process and issue patent, design and trademark rights.


Product information: February 2018