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Turning ideas into assets

Trademark Availability Search in Denmark

- Get an overview of the trademarks that may be a barrier to the launch of your product in Denmark

Already existing trademarks and trade names may be a barrier to the launching of your product or service in Denmark. With the Trademark Availability Search in Denmark, you get an overview of such marks and names and you can avoid a trademark conflict with your competitors in the Danish market. This saves you both trouble and money.

Why choose the Trademark Availability Search in Denmark?

You can use the search to evaluate your access to the market. It may be relevant in connection with financing and investing in your marketing. The results may also in itself provide inspiration for further development of your brand and trademark.

Benefits of the Trademark Availability Search in Denmark

  • You get a better overview of other trademarks, company and proper names, which could resemble your trademark in your industry
  • You will get information about all identical marks both within and  outside your industry
  • It helps your evaluation of the possibilities to obtain a protection of your trademark
  • You will receive an answer after only five working

What is Trademark Availability Search in Denmark?

We are conducting a search on words and/or numbers in your brand. If these are combined with a logo, we only examine the logo if this is specifically requested. We carry out the examination of your brand by searching a variety of databases. Here we search for trademarks, which are identical to and/or which could resemble your brand and are valid rights in Denmark.

When we look for existing trademarks similar to yours, our search is based on a computer generated list of trademarks. To save you time we then eliminate irrelevant trademarks. We also search for identical corporate and personal names.

The result of the Trademark Availability Search is presented to you in a report containing a list of the trademarks we have found. You also get printouts of the trademarks and information on other existing rights. We do not provide assessments or make recommendations. You must evaluate and decide whether the trademarks we have found form a barrier to the way you use your trademark. Enclose in the report is guidelines for the assessment of the search result.

The search does not include trademarks that are in use without being registered, although they can be a hindrance to your trademark.

To prevent the misuse of your trademark, it is a good idea to ensure that your trademark is registered. Please be aware the Trademark Availability Search in Denmark is not a application for registration. I you want to register your trademark in Denmark, you must file a trademark application.

Price and delivery

It usually takes five working days to provide the Trademark Availability Search in Denmark. The price depends on how many product and service categories are to be covered by the search. Please contact us for an estimate. 

You can find the price in our indicative price lists for our search services in USD and EUR.  

Read our terms of service.


If you need further information, have any questions or want to place an order, please contact our Customer Service Centre on telephone + 45 4350 8301, send an email to or fill out the contact form.


The Danish Patent and Trademark Office help businesses turn their ideas into assets. We find and screen technical information. We do not provide assessments or make recommendations in this process. We supply targeted information and guidance. We examine, process and issue patent, design and trademark rights.


Product information: February 2018